Modern Slavery Act Statement

Manyashil International operates in low risk level environment because the majority of our supply chain is based in the UK and in low-risk industries, such as internet software and services. Manyashil International does not enter into business with any organisation, in the UK or abroad, which knowingly supports or is found to be involved in slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.

This Modern Slavery and Human trafficking statement is a response to Section 54 (1) Part 6, of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. According to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, commercial organizations that carry out all or part of their business in the United Kingdom are required to publish a transparency statement informing consumers about the efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking.

Manyashil International uses third party supplier for retail products, namely, Printful which is committed to ensuring ethical and fair-labour practices within our own operations and seek and expect from our suppliers to do the same.

The structure of our organization, business, and supply chains

Manyashil International uses supplier Printful is a on-demand order fulfillment dropshipping and warehousing service company with a team of more than 1,700+ professionals working in North America and Europe, with partners in Japan, Australia, and Brazil. We also contract a wide variety of various suppliers located in the US, the EU, and other countries and regions to provide us with the materials for our production. During this financial year, Printful has become a member of Sedex. This allows us to map our supply chain to multiple tiers (such as workforce profiles, countries of operations and the suppliers for each component of our products and services), and gather key ethical data from our suppliers already in the platform.

Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

Our contracts and Terms and Conditions with suppliers include an Anti-slavery or Forced labour clause according to which suppliers commit to comply with all applicable laws that prohibit slavery and human trafficking. Printful has also implemented a Code of Conduct that sets forth our standards and expectations with respect to key areas of corporate responsibility, including a requirement for our suppliers not to support forced labour and not to collaborate with organizations that use illegal employment practices.

Due diligence processes

We are currently developing our due diligence process and corresponding action plans to address the identified risks.

Risk assessment and management 

Sedex pre-screening reports and risk assessment tool allow us to identify and compare risks across the world (by country and sector, and find out if products from certain countries have a high risk of forced labour), and combine trusted data on country and sector risks with information from our suppliers’ profiles.

Our Code of Conduct entitles us to ask our suppliers to complete a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), which helps us gather information on operational activities associated with modern slavery risks, such as use of labour providers and payment of recruitment fees. 

Through our Code of Conduct, Suppliers we partner with also allow Printful to conduct periodic on-site visits to check working and living conditions, either directly or through third parties, as well as audit their records and practices of wage, hour, and payroll information.

Actions taken to prevent modern slavery in our own operations and supply chain

Our Code of Conduct provides a whistleblowing hotline across our supply chain, a channel for workers to highlight concerns they have about their employment or working conditions.

We are currently coordinating a SMETA audit with one of our major suppliers. Non-compliances and observations raised during audits will help us see if there are indicators of forced labour at suppliers’ sites, and tell suppliers if/where their systems and practices need improving.

Key performance indicators to measure effectiveness of steps being taken

We have to date not set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of actions taken to address modern slavery. Once in place, we will be able to identify e.g.: the number of non-compliances related to forced labour in audits; percentage of closed and verified audit non-compliances related to forced labour; and worker feedback on working conditions.

Training on modern slavery and trafficking

Sedex e-Learning allows Printful and our suppliers to complete training on labour standards and prevention of forced labour.

This statement is approved by Shilpa Sapatnekar, Director of Manyashil International on Monday, 24 April 2023.

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